Checkbox Questions

Basic Features

Prior to reading these instructions, see the information on the general features of questions in the PIEL Survey.

Checkbox questions present a series of potential responses as buttons on the screen. These potential responses are listed in the Control File and separated by a vertical pipe("|"). Each response option is allocated one button. A checkbox question is similar to a list question but allows for multiple responses to the question.

To create a checkbox question, use "%TYPE checkbox".

The following code created the question shown in the images below.

2|What features do you find useful in the PIEL Survey? %TYPE checkbox |intuitive|easy to use|reliable notifications|data security

One or more of the responses must be selected to move to the next question. As can be seen in the above image, a chosen response is indicated by a green check mark.

The "Next" button and right swipe capability will also then be enabled.

As the question label and the responses can wrap text, the space taken by these buttons will vary depending on the length of the text. Surveys should be tested to make sure that the answers can be seen easily by participants. Longer text or providing many response options may require the participant to scroll to see all the choices.


Checkbox questions have a default hint to assist participants. The default hint can be replaced by a custom hint by placing the keyword "%HINT" after the question text followed by the custom hint.

4|What features do you like about the app? %HINT Feel free to choose more than one %TYPE checkbox|Ease of use|It's quick|Other

Hints can be suppressed by inserting %HINT with no text following it. In this case, VoiceOver will still provide default hints.

4|What features do you like about the PIEL Survey? %HINT %TYPE checkbox|Ease of use|It's quick|Other


Checkbox questions can be branched so participants are directed to a designated question or to the end of the survey. To direct them to a designated question, put "%NEXT" and the required question number or "END" after the response. Note that branching is only allowed to later questions.

Branching with checkbox questions is more complex than with list questions since it is possible that different responses chosen have "%NEXT" values which branch to different questions. If this occurs, they will be take to the first "%NEXT" in the list of responses chosen. In most cases, we expect researchers will have the same "%NEXT" for all potential responses to a question, in order to skip over a block of questions.

4|What features do you most like about the PIEL Survey? %HINT %TYPE checkbox|Ease of use|Accessibility %NEXT 5|It's quick %NEXT 5|Other %NEXT 5