List Questions

Basic Features

Prior to reading these instructions, see the information on the general features of questions in the PIEL Survey.

List questions present a series of potential responses as buttons on the screen. These potential responses are listed in the Control File and separated by a vertical pipe("|"). Each response option is allocated one button. A list question is similar to a checkbox question but only allows for one response to the question.

To create a list question, use "%TYPE list".

The following code created the question shown in the images below.

2|Where did you hear about the PIEL Survey? %TYPE list |colleague|publication|internet|other

One of the responses must be selected to move to the next question. As can be seen in the above image, a chosen response is indicated by a green check mark.

The "Next" button and right swipe capability will also then be enabled.

As the question label and the responses can wrap text, the space taken by these buttons will vary depending on the length of the text. Surveys should be tested to make sure that the answers can be seen easily by participants. Longer text or providing many response options may require the participant to scroll to see all the choices.


List questions have a default hint to assist participants. The default hint can be replaced by a custom hint by placing the keyword "%HINT" after the question text followed by the custom hint.

3|Have you eaten since the last survey? %HINT Don't include medications %TYPE list |yes|no|can’t remember

Hints can be suppressed by inserting %HINT with no text following it.

3|Have you eaten since the last survey? %HINT %TYPE list |yes|no|can’t remember


List questions can be branched so participants are directed to a designated question or to the end of the survey. To direct them to a designated question, put "%NEXT" followed by the required question number. To direct them to the end of the survey, insert "%NEXT END". Note that branching is only allowed to later questions.

In the following example, if a respondent chooses “Other", the next question, question 2, could ask for more information, if not the next question will be question 3.

1|How did you hear about the PIEL Survey? %TYPE list |From a colleague %NEXT 3|Internet Search %NEXT 3|Advertisement %NEXT 3|Reading a review/blog %NEXT 3|In the Apple Store %NEXT 3|Other

In the following example, if the participants select "No" they are taken to the end of the survey.

8|Will you use the PIEL Survey again? %TYPE list |Yes|No %NEXT END|Maybe